Cambodian Territorial Integrity
On March 31, 2005, King-Father Samdech Euv Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia wrote an open letter to the governments of Vietnam, Thailand and Laos for an honest talk on respecting the borders of Cambodia from 1963 to 1969.
It's very sad that Cambodia has been seeing its territory reduced smaller and smaller by its aggressive neighbors. The time is now to support Samdech Euv.
Finally, sensing that the Khmer people are 100% behind Samdech Euv, the government of Cambodia decided to create a Border Council to be chaired by Samdech Euv.
The question is whether the three neighboring countries of Cambodia will agree to talk to Samdech Euv.
It's very sad that Cambodia has been seeing its territory reduced smaller and smaller by its aggressive neighbors. The time is now to support Samdech Euv.
Finally, sensing that the Khmer people are 100% behind Samdech Euv, the government of Cambodia decided to create a Border Council to be chaired by Samdech Euv.
The question is whether the three neighboring countries of Cambodia will agree to talk to Samdech Euv.
PHNOM PENH, April 26 (Xinhuanet) -- Cambodia will have a new national border council chaired by retired King Norodom Sihanouk, local media reported on Tuesday.
The seven-member new Supreme National Council on Cambodia's borders will include the chairman, who represents the King, and one representative from each of the three main political parties.
It will also include one member each from the government, the National Assembly and the Senate, according to a letter sent to King Norodom Sihamoni by Prime Minister Hun Sen on April 20.
Former King Sihanouk expressed his desire to chair the new council, and that the Prime Minister Hun Sen has welcomed the retired King's interest, The Cambodia Daily quoted Prince Norodom Ranariddh as saying.
In his letter in reply on April 25, King Norodom Sihamoni said that his father is willing to head the council representing the King. The retired King also said he would do his best in his remaining years to resolve the border issues with the Thai, Laos and Vietnam.
Cambodian People's Party (CPP) Senator Chea Cheth will be the vice chairman of the border council from the Senate.
Lawmaker Princess Norodom Vacheara, appointed by the royalist FUNCINPEC party, will also be the vice chairman as the representative of the National Assembly.
Sok An, minister of Council of Ministers and from CPP, will be the government representative, according to local Khmer newspaper Island of Peace on Tuesday.
And three major parties' representatives include Say Chhum of the CPP, You Hokry of FUNCINPEC and Sam Rainsy, president of the opposition Sam Rainsy Party. Enditem
Anonymous, at 9:22 AM
Former Cambodian king agrees to lead new border council
Wed Apr 27, 3:49 AM ET
PHNOM PENH, (AFP) - Cambodia's former king Norodom Sihanouk, who is currently receiving medical treatment in Beijing, has agreed to lead a new national border council, King Norodom Sihamoni said.
The move quashes fears about the ageing former monarch's health and could signal a rapprochement between him and long-time arch rival Prime Minister Hun Sen, whose war of words over politics has escalated in recent months.
In a Khmer-language letter to Hun Sen dated April 25 and appearing on Sihanouk's website, Sihamoni said that his father "has agreed to accept the position as chairman of the Supreme National Council of Border Affairs."
The appointment is the first Sihanouk has accepted after his surprise abdication in October last year, vowing to live in quiet retirement.
"At the end of his life, he wishes to serve the nation and the people in the framework of his mission to protect the kingdom's territorial integrity... My father is still full enough of energy to fulfil this duty," Sihamoni wrote.
Sihanouk plans to ask Thailand, Vietnam and Laos to appoint representatives to carefully demarcate their often disputed borders with Cambodia based on maps drawn up by the United States in the 1960s.
"If these three countries agree to work with him, my father will open discussions with representatives of the three countries and then decide how and where to start and end," added Sihamoni, who is visiting his father in Beijing.
Another of 82-year-old Sihanouk's sons, Prince Norodom Ranariddh, announced earlier this month that Sihanouk's health was deteriorating, but another official who visited him said he appeared in good shape.
Sihanouk has been at the heart of Cambodian politics since he first ascended the throne in 1941. Since then he has abdicated, been head of state, toppled and sent into exile before finally returning to the throne in 1993.
Anonymous, at 9:19 AM
Lettre publiée sur le site
le 30 avril 2005 dans la rubrique "Livre d'Or"
Résidence Royale de Beijing
République Populaire de Chine
Paris, le 27 avril 2005
Preah Karuna vénéré,
Permettez-moi, au nom du Parti Sam Rainsy et en mon nom propre, de Vous exprimer
ma plus vive reconnaissance pour la nouvelle Mission que Vous avez accepté de
remplir pour la Nation en daignant présider le Conseil National Supérieur en
charge des Affaires Frontalières. Ce nouveau sacrifice de Votre part en cette
année 2005 est dans la ligne des innombrables actes d'abnégation les plus
nobles que Vous n'avez pas hésité à faire au cours des soixante dernières
années pour le salut national et la dignité du Peuple Khmer.
Le Peuple Khmer qui Vous a déjà unanimement conféré le titre de Père de
l'Indépendance Nationale en 1953, voit en Vous le Père de Nation, c'est-à-dire
la seule Personne capable de réaliser l'unité nationale, condition sine qua non
pour pouvoir défendre véritablement les intérêts supérieurs de la Nation.
C'est donc avec joie, espoir et émotion que le Peuple Khmer a accueilli Votre
décision d'entamer une nouvelle Mission au service de la Nation. Cette Mission
s'avère cruciale puisqu'elle se rapporte à la défense de l'intégrité
territoriale - de plus en plus malmenée - du Cambodge suite à Votre Message en
date du 31 mars 2005. Seul le Père de la Nation, par sa popularité, son
expérience, son savoir-faire et son prestige international inégalés peut
réussir dans cette Mission. Seul le Père de la Nation inspire le respect
nécessaire de tout le Peuple Khmer et celui tout aussi nécessaire de tous les
Pays Etrangers pour réussir dans cette Mission.
Je mesure pleinement l'honneur qui me revient d'avoir été nommé membre du
Conseil National Supérieur en charge des Affaires Frontalières et de pouvoir
servir la Patrie sous les très hautes instructions du Père de la Nation. Je
Vous remercie infiniment pour l'invitation au dîner de travail pour le 9 mai
2005 que Vous avez adressée aux « Vice-Présidents et Membres du Conseil qui
doit s'occuper des questions de nos Frontières ». Ce sera avec la plus grande
joie que je me rendrai au Palais Royal ce jour là.
Daignez agréer, Preah Karuna vénéré, l'expression de ma plus profonde gratitude
et de mon indéfectible dévouement.
Sam Rainsy
Président du PSR
Anonymous, at 10:16 PM
Mon May 2, 2:37 AM ET
PHNOM PENH, (AFP) - Cambodia's former king Norodom Sihanouk will delay his return home as his cancer has become "very serious", he said from Beijing, days after he had said he was fit and ready to come back.
"On May 1, 2005, International Labour Day and a holiday across the world, Chinese doctors who are very worried about my health did not stop working and discussed my cancer, which has returned again and is very serious," the 82-year-old Sihanouk said in a posting on his website dated May 1.
"They have come to see me and asked me to delay my stay in Beijing for a while in order that they can offer me treatment and check the development of my disease daily," he wrote in the Khmer-language message.
Sihanouk asked permission from his countrymen to stay in China and apologised for not returning as promised next Sunday. He said his son King Norodom Sihamoni, who has been visiting him, would still return on that day.
Another statement from Beijing Hospital, where he has been receiving regular medical treatment since January while staying at his palace in the Chinese capital, recommended that he resume chemotherapy to treat a gastric lymphoma.
Sihanouk first suffered from colon cancer in 1993 but it went into remission until last year, it said.
The ex-king had been due to return to head a new national border council. He said last week that he was in good health and with characteristic sarcasm apologised to "all those who want me dead".
A war of words had recently escalated between Prime Minister Hun Sen and Ruom Ritt, Sihanouk's mysterious pen pal whose letters are posted on his website. Sihanouk's impending return suggested a rapprochement.
Sihanouk has been at the heart of Cambodian politics since he first ascended the throne in 1941. Since then he has abdicated, been head of state, toppled and sent into exile before finally returning to the throne in 1993.
Anonymous, at 8:27 AM
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