Proleung Khmer

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Human Trafficking

High ranking officials in the RGC are involved in human trafficking withouth fearing being prosecuted.

On Dec 7, 2004, the anti-trafficking police and NGO Afesip raided the government licensed Chai Hour II Hotel. 250 women and girls were employed as sex workers. 100 of them were masseuses whom clients paid $20 for sex, $10 of which was kept by the hotel management. The other 150 were Karaoke singers and available for sex.

7 suspects arrested during the raid were released just hours after the operation by the order of an unidentified official. Who is he? He must be arrested now.

On Dec 8, 2004, 30 people in military vehicles abducted 83 women and girls from Afesip's Phnom Penh women's shelter. The hotel claimed that they're back at work and filed a lawsuit against Afesip for the raid.

The Minister of Information, who is himself a pedophile, denies any govenment links to organized crimes. If that's the case why was the head of the anti-trafficking police removed? Why does the RGC allow the hotel to continue to operate?

The US is considering downgrading Cambodia's status on its global human trafficking watchdog list, meaning that the US could sanction Cambodia. What a shame! Only the poor will continue to suffer in the hands of the rich.


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